如何使用Node.js,MongoDB,Fastify和Swagger构建出色的快速REST API
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Presumably no web developer is a stranger to REST APIs and the challenges that architecting an effective and efficient API solution brings.

大概没有Web开发人员对REST API和架构有效的API解决方案带来的挑战陌生。

These challenges include:


  • Speed (API Response Times)

  • Documentation (Clear concise documents, describing the API)

  • Architecture and Sustainability (Maintainable and expandable codebase)


In this tutorial we are going to address all of the above using a combination of Node.js, MongoDB, Fastify and Swagger.


The source code for the project is available on .

该项目的源代码可在上 。

在我们开始之前... (Before we begin…)

You should have some beginner/intermediate JavaScript knowledge, have heard of Node.js and MongoDB, and know what REST APIs are.

您应该具有一些初学者/中级JavaScript知识 ,听说过Node.jsMongoDB,并且知道什么是REST API

Below are some links to get you updated:


我们将使用的技术: (The Technology we will be using:)

It is a good idea to open the above pages in new tabs, for easy reference.


您将需要安装以下组件: (You will need to have the following installed:)

You will also need an and a terminal, I use for Mac and for Windows.

您还将需要一个和一个终端,我在Mac上使用 ,在Windows上使用 。

让我们开始吧! (Let’s get started!)

Initialise a new project by opening your terminal, executing each of the following lines of code:


mkdir fastify-apicd fastify-apimkdir srccd srctouch index.jsnpm init

In the above code, we created two new directories, navigated into them, created an index.js file and initialed our project via .


You will be prompted to enter several values when initialising a new project, these you can leave blank and update at a later stage.


Once completed, a file is generated in the src directory. In this file you can change the values entered when the project was initialised.

完成后,将在src目录中生成一个文件。 在此文件中,您可以更改项目初始化时输入的值。

Next we install all the dependancies that we will need:


npm i nodemon mongoose fastify fastify-swagger boom

Below is a brief description of what each package does, quoted from their respective websites:


nodemon is a tool that helps develop node.js based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the directory are detected.


nodemon is a tool that helps develop node.js based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the directory are detected.


nodemon does not require any additional changes to your code or method of development. nodemon is a replacement wrapper for node, to use nodemon replace the word node on the command line when executing your script.

nodemon不需要对您的代码或开发方法进行任何其他更改。 nodemon是node的替换包装器,可以在执行脚本时使用nodemon替换命令行上的word node

To set up nodemon, we need to add the following line of code to our package.json file, in the scripts object:

要设置nodemon ,我们需要在scripts对象中将以下代码行添加到package.json文件中:

“start”: “./node_modules/nodemon/bin/nodemon.js ./src/index.js”,

Our package.json file should now look as follows:


{  "name": "fastify-api",  "version": "1.0.0",  "description": "A blazing fast REST APIs with Node.js, MongoDB, Fastify and Swagger.",  "main": "index.js",  "scripts": {  "start": "./node_modules/nodemon/bin/nodemon.js ./src/index.js",  "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"},  "author": "Siegfried Grimbeek 
(www.siegfriedgrimbeek.co.za)", "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { "boom": "^7.2.2", "fastify": "^1.13.0", "fastify-swagger": "^0.15.3", "mongoose": "^5.3.14", "nodemon": "^1.18.7" }}

Mongoose provides a straight-forward, schema-based solution to model your application data. It includes built-in type casting, validation, query building, business logic hooks and more, out of the box.
Mongoose提供了一个直接的,基于模式的解决方案来对您的应用程序数据进行建模。 它包括现成的内置类型转换,验证,查询构建,业务逻辑挂钩等等。

Fastify is a web framework highly focused on providing the best developer experience with the least overhead and a powerful plugin architecture. It is inspired by Hapi and Express and as far as we know, it is one of the fastest web frameworks in town.
Fastify是一个Web框架,高度专注于以最少的开销和强大的插件体系结构提供最佳的开发人员体验。 它受到Hapi和Express的启发,据我们所知,它是该镇中最快的Web框架之一。

documentation generator for Fastify. It uses the schemas you declare in your routes to generate a swagger compliant doc.

文档生成器,用于Fastify。 它使用您在路线中声明的架构来生成符合标准的文档。

boom provides a set of utilities for returning HTTP errors.

设置服务器并创建第一个路由! (Setup up the server and create the first route!)

Add the following code to your index.js file:


// Require the framework and instantiate itconst fastify = require('fastify')({  logger: true})// Declare a routefastify.get('/', async (request, reply) => {  return { hello: 'world' }})// Run the server!const start = async () => {  try {    await fastify.listen(3000)    fastify.log.info(`server listening on ${fastify.server.address().port}`)  } catch (err) {    fastify.log.error(err)    process.exit(1)  }}start()

We require the Fastify framework, declare our first route and initialise the server on port 3000, the code is pretty self explanatory but take note of the options object passed when initialising Fastify:

我们需要Fastify框架,声明我们的第一个路由并在port 3000上初始化服务器,代码是很容易解释的,但是请注意初始化Fastify时传递的options对象:

// Require the fastify framework and instantiate itconst fastify = require('fastify')({  logger: true})

The above code enables Fastify’s built in logger which is disabled by default.


You can now run the follow code in your src directory in your terminal:

现在,您可以在终端的 src目录中运行以下代码:

npm start

Now when you navigate to you should see the {hello:world} object returned.

现在,当您导航到 ,应该看到返回了{hello:world}对象。

We will get back to the index.js file but for now let’s move on to setting up our database.


启动MongoDB并创建模型! (Start MongoDB and create the model!)

Once MongoDB has been successfully installed, you can open a new terminal window and start up a MongoDB instance by running the following:



With MongoDB, we do not need to create a database. We can just specify a name in the setup and as soon as we store data, MongoDB will create this database for us.

使用MongoDB ,我们不需要创建数据库。 我们只需在设置中指定一个名称,一旦我们存储数据, MongoDB就会为我们创建此数据库。

Add the following to your index.js file:


...// Require external modulesconst mongoose = require('mongoose')// Connect to DBmongoose.connect(‘mongodb://localhost/mycargarage’) .then(() => console.log(‘MongoDB connected…’)) .catch(err => console.log(err)) ...

In the above code we require Mongoose and connect to our MongoDB database. The database is called mycargarage and if all went well, you will now see MongoDB connected... in your terminal.

在上面的代码中,我们需要Mongoose并连接到我们的MongoDB数据库。 该数据库称为mycargarage ,如果一切顺利,您现在将在终端中看到MongoDB connected...

Notice that you did not have to restart the app, thanks to the Nodemon package that we added earlier.


Now that our database is up and running, we can create our first Model. Create a new folder within the src directory called models, and within it create a new file called Car.js and add the following code:

现在我们的数据库已启动并正在运行,我们可以创建第一个模型。 在src目录中创建一个名为models的新文件夹,并在其中创建一个名为Car.js的新文件,并添加以下代码:

// External Dependanciesconst mongoose = require('mongoose')const carSchema = new mongoose.Schema({  title: String,  brand: String,  price: String,  age: Number,  services: {    type: Map,    of: String  }})module.exports = mongoose.model('Car', carSchema)

The above code declares our carSchema that contains all the information related to our cars. Apart from the two obvious data types: String and Number. We also make use of a Map which is relatively new to Mongoose and you can read more about it . We then export our carSchema to be used within our app.

上面的代码声明了我们的carSchema ,其中包含与我们的汽车有关的所有信息。 除了两种明显的数据类型: StringNumber 。 我们还使用了Mongoose相对较新的Map ,您可以阅读有关内容的更多信息。 然后,我们导出carSchema以在我们的应用程序中使用。

We could proceed with setting up our routes, controllers and config in the index.js file, but part of this tutorial is demonstrating a sustainable codebase. Therefore each component will have its own folder.

我们可以继续在index.js文件中设置路由,控制器和配置,但是本教程的一部分将演示可持续的代码库。 因此,每个组件将具有其自己的文件夹。

创建汽车控制器 (Create the car controller)

To get started with creating the controllers, we create a folder in the src directory called controllers, and within the folder, we create a carController.js file:


// External Dependanciesconst boom = require('boom')// Get Data Modelsconst Car = require('../models/Car')// Get all carsexports.getCars = async (req, reply) => {  try {    const cars = await Car.find()    return cars  } catch (err) {    throw boom.boomify(err)  }}// Get single car by IDexports.getSingleCar = async (req, reply) => {  try {    const id = req.params.id    const car = await Car.findById(id)    return car  } catch (err) {    throw boom.boomify(err)  }}// Add a new carexports.addCar = async (req, reply) => {  try {    const car = new Car(req.body)    return car.save()  } catch (err) {    throw boom.boomify(err)  }}// Update an existing carexports.updateCar = async (req, reply) => {  try {    const id = req.params.id    const car = req.body    const { ...updateData } = car    const update = await Car.findByIdAndUpdate(id, updateData, { new: true })    return update  } catch (err) {    throw boom.boomify(err)  }}// Delete a carexports.deleteCar = async (req, reply) => {  try {    const id = req.params.id    const car = await Car.findByIdAndRemove(id)    return car  } catch (err) {    throw boom.boomify(err)  }}

The above may seem like a little much to take in, but it is actually really simple.


  • We require boom to handle our errors: boom.boomify(err).

    我们需要boom来处理错误: boom.boomify(err)

  • We export each of our functions which we will use in our route.

  • Each function is an async function that can contain an await expression that pauses the execution of the async function and waits for the passed Promise’s resolution, and then resumes the async function’s execution and returns the resolved value.


  • Each function is wrapped in a try / catch statement.

    每个函数都包装在try / catch语句中。

  • Each function takes two parameters: req (the request) and reply (the reply). In our tutorial we only make use of the request parameter. We will use it to access the request body and the request parameters, allowing us to process the data.

    每个函数都有两个参数: req (请求)和reply (答复)。 在我们的教程中,我们仅使用request参数。 我们将使用它来访问请求正文和请求参数,从而使我们能够处理数据。

  • Take note of the code on line 31:


    Take note of the code on line 31:const car = new Car({ …req.body })

    注意第31行的代码: const car = new Car({ …req.body })

    This makes use of the


    JavaScript spread operator.


  • Take note of the code on line 42:


    Take note of the code on line 42:const { …updateData } = car

    注意第42行的代码: const { …updateData } = car

    This makes use of the


    JavaScript destructuring in conjunction with the spread operator.


Other than that, we make use of some standard Mongoose features used to manipulate our database.


You are probably burning to fire up your API and do a sanity check, but before we do this, we just need to connect the controller to the routes and then lastly connect the routes to the app.

您可能正在努力启动API并进行完整性检查,但是在执行此操作之前,我们只需要将控制器连接到路由 ,然后最后将路由连接到应用程序即可。

创建和导入路线 (Create and import the routes)

Once again, we can start by creating a folder in the root directory of our project, but this time, it is called routes. Within the folder, we create an index.js file with the following code:

再一次,我们可以在项目的根目录中创建一个文件夹,但是这次,它被称为routes 。 在该文件夹中,我们使用以下代码创建一个index.js文件:

// Import our Controllersconst carController = require('../controllers/carController')const routes = [  {    method: 'GET',    url: '/api/cars',    handler: carController.getCars  },  {    method: 'GET',    url: '/api/cars/:id',    handler: carController.getSingleCar  },  {    method: 'POST',    url: '/api/cars',    handler: carController.addCar,    schema: documentation.addCarSchema  },  {    method: 'PUT',    url: '/api/cars/:id',    handler: carController.updateCar  },  {    method: 'DELETE',    url: '/api/cars/:id',    handler: carController.deleteCar  }]module.exports = routes

Here we are requiring our controller and assigning each of the functions that we created in our controller to our routes.

在这里,我们需要控制器 ,并将在控制器中创建的每个功能分配给路线。

As you can see, each route consists out of a method, a url and a handler, instructing the app on which function to use when one of the routes is accessed.


The :id following some of the routes is a common way to pass parameters to the routes, and this will allow us to access the id as follows:


放在一起并测试我们的API (Putting it all together and testing our API)

Now that we have most of our parts constructed, we just need to connect them all together to start serving data via our API. Firstly we need to import our routes that we created by adding the following line of code to our main index.js file:

现在我们已经构造了大部分部件,我们只需要将它们连接在一起就可以开始通过我们的API提供数据。 首先,我们需要通过将以下代码行添加到主index.js文件中来导入创建的路由

const routes = require(‘./routes’)

We then need to loop over our routes array to initialise them with Fastify. We can do this with the following code, which also needs to be added to the main index.js file:

然后,我们需要遍历路由数组以使用Fastify对其进行初始化 我们可以使用以下代码来完成此操作,还需要将其添加到主index.js文件中:

routes.forEach((route, index) => { fastify.route(route)})

Now we are ready to start testing!


The best tool for the job is , which we will use to test all of our routes. We will be sending our data as raw objects in the body of the request and as parameters.

最好的工具是 ,我们将使用它来测试所有路线。 我们将在请求正文中将数据作为原始对象和参数发送。

Finding all cars:


Finding a single car:


Adding a new car**:


** The services appear to be empty, but the information does in fact persist to the database.


Updating a car:


Deleting a car:


We now have a fully functional API — but what about the documentation? This is where Swagger is really handy.

现在我们有了一个功能齐全的API,但是文档呢? 这是Swagger真正方便的地方。

添加Swagger并结束。 (Adding Swagger and wrapping up.)

Now we will create our final folder called config. Inside we will create a file called swagger.js with the following code:

现在,我们将创建名为config的最终文件夹 在内部,我们将使用以下代码创建一个名为swagger.js的文件:

exports.options = {  routePrefix: '/documentation',  exposeRoute: true,  swagger: {    info: {      title: 'Fastify API',      description: 'Building a blazing fast REST API with Node.js, MongoDB, Fastify and Swagger',      version: '1.0.0'    },    externalDocs: {      url: 'https://swagger.io',      description: 'Find more info here'    },    host: 'localhost',    schemes: ['http'],    consumes: ['application/json'],    produces: ['application/json']  }}

The above code is an object with the options which we will pass into our fastify-swagger plugin. To do this, we need to add the following to our index.js file:

上面的代码是一个带有选项的对象,这些选项将传递给我们的fastify-swagger插件。 为此,我们需要将以下内容添加到我们的index.js文件中:

// Import Swagger Optionsconst swagger = require(‘./config/swagger’)// Register Swaggerfastify.register(require(‘fastify-swagger’), swagger.options)

And then we need to add the following line after we have initialised our Fastify server:


...await fastify.listen(3000)fastify.swagger()fastify.log.info(`listening on ${fastify.server.address().port}`)...

And that is it! If you now navigate to , you should see the following:

就是这样! 如果现在导航到 ,则应该看到以下内容:

As simple as that! You now have self updating API documentation that will evolve with your API. You can easily add additional information to your routes, see more .

就如此容易! 现在,您将拥有与API一起发展的自我更新API文档。 您可以轻松地向路线添加其他信息,请参见 。

下一步是什么? (Whats Next?)

Now that we have a basic API in place, the possibilities are limitless. It can be used as the base for any app imaginable.

现在我们已经有了一个基本的API,可能性是无限的。 它可以用作任何可以想象的应用程序的基础。

In the next tutorial, we will integrate GraphQL and eventually integrate the frontend with Vue.js too!




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